Social Impact

Early on, as we built The Free Website Guys, we decided that we wanted our impact to be more global: what if we hired people from developing countries where work opportunities are few, we wondered, and then paid them a great wage while training them from scratch to be world-class web developers and project managers?
That would give them a huge economic leg up.
Percentage of Women Developers On Our Team
0 %
Countries We've Hired From
Full-Time Jobs

So that’s what we’ve done.

As we’ve grown, we’ve hired many highly skilled people from countries like Uganda, Kenya, and Nicaragua, with a primary focus on women. We invest dozens of hours in training each new hire in how to build websites, do graphic design, manage projects, and excel at other marketable digital skills.

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The income they earn has been a game-changer for many, allowing some to pay college tuition for family members, move into a new apartment, or work from home so they can take care of a newborn. It’s also allowed them to build a CV with international work experience, with some of our former web developers now working directly with larger companies from the US and Europe.

Ready to get started?

Apply now. We accept 2 out of every 5 applicants.

Team Spotlight

Jessica M. Kenya
Jessica, from Kenya, had no prior experience in web development. Starting at the basics, we assigned a senior developer on our team to train Jessica in how to build WordPress websites. She quickly impressed us with her attention to detail and within a few months she was building multiple websites per day, often involving complex customizations. Jessica has since graduated on to work freelance as a senior web developer for numerous clients in Europe and the United States.
Damalie W. Uganda
Damalie, from Kampala, Uganda, was hired into our team as a project manager. Managing a newborn child made commuting to an office job difficult, and we were thrilled to be able to train Damalie in how to manage client projects. She quickly took to the role, demonstrating a keen professionalism and judgment, and currently helps to oversee the building of over 10 client websites per day.
Dionne K.Uganda
From Kampala, Dionne quickly picked up WordPress development during our training program and was recently hired as a full-time developer with us. She’s now saving up to move into her own place, and she thinks she’ll have enough left over to help her business bounce back from the effects of the pandemic. As she puts it, earning in USD in Uganda “takes you a long way!”
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Apply Now

We’ll review your application and see if you’re a good fit within 24-48 hours.

If so, we’ll assign you a Senior Developer and build your website… for free!

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#1 highest-rated web development company in 2022
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Top-rated web development
agency in 2022
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Top-rated web development
agency in 2022

Apply Now

We’ll review your application and see if you’re a good fit within 24-48 hours.

If so, we’ll assign you a Senior Developer and build your website… for free!
5.0 out of 5

4.9 out of 5

5.0 out of 5